Introduction to Mindful Weight Loss with the Spoon Mage

me and adrienne cropped

The Spoon Mage and Daughter of Spoon Mage

And so somewhere along the line, I found that I have put on weight that was previously lost in a most mindful way. It happens.

Anyone want to stroll down a pathway to health with me? You may need to lose weight or you might just want to prevent weight gain. Either way – please come along.

We’ll be taking a meandering trail. No stringent dieting please. No denying yourself favorite foods. You don’t have to follow any one way of eating, but you can if it suits you.

The goal is to discover the one most enjoyable and sustainable way of eating that is right for you. Get ready to pause, think about your options, and fully savor the best of the moment.

Future weight loss posts will be easily found on the Weight Loss with the Spoon Mage™ Page under Mindful Musings in the bar at the top of the page. Let me know if you have questions or topics for me to address. You may put your question here or you may send me an email via flying artichoke!

I am off to nibble on a snack consisting of one of my favorite fruits – cherries! They are not only tasty, they are good nutrition, and help ease my arthritis pain. For me, right now, cherries are a much better option than cheese and crackers.

What will you enjoy right now as you create a mindfully healthy you?

3 thoughts on “Introduction to Mindful Weight Loss with the Spoon Mage

  1. This is wonderful! I don’t need to lose weight; however, I’m all about well-being!! OK, so right now, I am drinking a lovely tea from France – it’s called “blue tea”. Somewhere between green and white tea. Ah, I’m going to enjoy it. Thanks for the reminder with this post. ❤ Blessings.


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