The Three Meals of Christmas

The tree will be fresh cut, the decorations will be nature or music inspired, the wreath my Grandma made will be hung, the nutcrackers shall increase in number, and books and music will rule the gifts.

While I schedule like a pro, I am not big on planning too far ahead for meals. It’s more fun to think about what I want to eat that day and make it! But, as stores are closed or have limited hours, holidays are a different story. And so, I plan, chat with my favorite butcher at the meat market, and shop accordingly.

Fortunately, it’s really quite easy to create a list of meals for our family’s traditional Three Meals of Christmas. Tradition is the buzz word in that sentence. I am allowed a certain amount of experimentation, but the food tradition basics, just like the decorative elements, must remain the same. I’ve come to terms with this and gradually tweaked the menu to make me happy to repeat it.

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Tony’s Zesty Pinot Grigio

photo Wikimedia Commons


1 bottle very cold Pinot Grigio
1 bottle very cold Club Soda
1 t very finely grated lemon zest

Spoon Mage™ Notes:

This works with the zest or juice of your favorite citrus. Replace zest with juice if you do not care for the bitter flavor of zest. Just add a splash of lemon juice when you mix the drink. Read More